Sunday, March 16, 2008

Yang Mana Satu??

I think it's my time to change for a new wallet. I'm not a wallet collector, i just don't fancy a wallet as much as i love handbag. right now i have 2 different wallet for 2 different location. Green Furla when i'm in malaysia, and Black Elle when in Riyadh. senang citer beb, x payah pening2 nak tukar2 cards n duit.. semuanya sudah tersedia kat dlm tu.. cuma ingat kena tukar wallet aje..

Anyway, back to the story, actually my current wallets still in a good condition. tapi since my 2nd wedding anniversary bulan april nih, i was thinking for a new one as my present from hubby. ada lah beberapa yg berkenan, cuma belum decide je lagi..

this one from Gucci.. suka sebab color pink..

ni pun from Gucci, sama mcm kat atas, cuma lebih kepada classic gucci..

yang ni pulak LV, colornya mengancam, rasa mcm best pulak wallet panjang ni.. x pernah try..

LV mini lin, yg paling i minat.. kira my 1st choice la..senang nak jaga, x nampak kotor n kelihatan mcm lasak.. menarik..menarik..

So guys, agak2 yg mana satu yg sesuai? sesapa yg pernah pakai or sedang pakai this wallets, sila la share ur experience ye.

Mari layan gambar..

My promise to you guys.. this is just a random pictures from my collection. no specific venue and date. so, enjoy!!

:: Walau di mana kami berada, Chili's tetap our choice.. The food is perfectly delicious ::

:: Masjid Al-Qiblatain, Madinah... ::

:: Applebees Dammam... waktu ni la kitorg discover salad dia yg super duper sedap!! ::

:: Ni adalah padang pasir on the way from dammam town to airport.. berenti tepi jalan then snap the picture quickly.. panas bangat time ni.. siap ada mr. unta tepi2 tu tapi x kuasa la nak snap.. busuk! ::

Okay, later on i'll continue upload.. banyak sangat gambar, x tau nak upload yg mana..


As i mentioned before, i supposedly flying to abu dhabi by latest on 13th march. But due to some technical problem, plus someone who never took seriously his wife advices, my exit re-entry visa still not ready eventho after almost 2 weeks of application. the things is, my hubby have to renew his Iqama (ID for resident, which is expired by end of this month) first before can proceed to apply exit visa. Proses renew ni ambik masa biasanya 1-3 weeks depends on kelembapan pak arab yg handle this job.. unfortunately for us, dpt org yg sangat lembab sampai i nearly got migraine attack kerana terlampau stress dengan janji insyaAllah diorang...

I'm not feeling well too this whole week. my nose running and blocked, sampai tido pun x nyenyak sbb susah nak bernafas. kepala stoned aje, badan mcm rasa nak demam.. tapi bila check, x demam pulak.. mood pulak swing sentiasa.. i ni susah nak jatuh sakit, but once sakit, macam kain buruk la gamaknya.. last time i jumpa doctor sbb sakit ialah tahun 2005. berminggu2 demam.. serik sgt waktu tu...

hopefully my visa will be ready by tommorrow, all my plans got messed up because of manusia lembab ini.. jaga kau, datang malaysia, aku ketuk2 kepala kau..!!!

Monday, March 3, 2008

New Layout


Got headache after 3 hours non stop looking for new template, at last this is the one i choose. The combination color of shocking pink and black.. boleh la.. niat di hati nak design sendiri, tapi entah berapa lama la pulak nak kena mengadap.. Later la.. maybe this is my first step to recover my takde mood berblogging. hopefully lepas ni datang la balik mood i nak ber blogging..... hmmm....

Sunday, March 2, 2008

After a longggggg break...

It's been a while since my last post.. hmm.. i was not in the mood of blogging right now. donno why... kemalasan melanda tahap dewa punya. maybe it's time for me to keep on update my blog again. Otherwise, x guna la ada blog tapi terbiar aje kan.. hehehehe…

the last time i went back to malaysia is for aidilfitri holiday. and now almost 5 months in Riyadh, i really really missed malaysia so much.. tapi apa kan daya, kata x boleh berenggang dengan suami tercinta, terpaksa la tempuhi walaupun sukar sebenarnya.. and the good news is, nextweek I’m flying to abu dhabi to meet my family there. but unfortunately, my hubby cannot join us. Adoi, I hate this situation.. gembira + sedih punya perasaan.. 10 days in abu dhabi, then I will follow my dad going back to Malaysia… yeeeehaaaaa..! and 10 days after that, my hubby will arrive in KLIA with a BIG smile in his face. kan yang kan...

ok, seriously i'm not in the mood.. apa aje la aku nih.. need to do something and later i'll force myself to continue okay... perhaps i should paste some pics instead of membebel x tentu arah.. org lebih suka menjamu mata dari menyakitkan otak membaca blog yg x de arah.. betul tak?

see you later,