Sunday, March 16, 2008


As i mentioned before, i supposedly flying to abu dhabi by latest on 13th march. But due to some technical problem, plus someone who never took seriously his wife advices, my exit re-entry visa still not ready eventho after almost 2 weeks of application. the things is, my hubby have to renew his Iqama (ID for resident, which is expired by end of this month) first before can proceed to apply exit visa. Proses renew ni ambik masa biasanya 1-3 weeks depends on kelembapan pak arab yg handle this job.. unfortunately for us, dpt org yg sangat lembab sampai i nearly got migraine attack kerana terlampau stress dengan janji insyaAllah diorang...

I'm not feeling well too this whole week. my nose running and blocked, sampai tido pun x nyenyak sbb susah nak bernafas. kepala stoned aje, badan mcm rasa nak demam.. tapi bila check, x demam pulak.. mood pulak swing sentiasa.. i ni susah nak jatuh sakit, but once sakit, macam kain buruk la gamaknya.. last time i jumpa doctor sbb sakit ialah tahun 2005. berminggu2 demam.. serik sgt waktu tu...

hopefully my visa will be ready by tommorrow, all my plans got messed up because of manusia lembab ini.. jaga kau, datang malaysia, aku ketuk2 kepala kau..!!!

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