Sunday, March 2, 2008

After a longggggg break...

It's been a while since my last post.. hmm.. i was not in the mood of blogging right now. donno why... kemalasan melanda tahap dewa punya. maybe it's time for me to keep on update my blog again. Otherwise, x guna la ada blog tapi terbiar aje kan.. hehehehe…

the last time i went back to malaysia is for aidilfitri holiday. and now almost 5 months in Riyadh, i really really missed malaysia so much.. tapi apa kan daya, kata x boleh berenggang dengan suami tercinta, terpaksa la tempuhi walaupun sukar sebenarnya.. and the good news is, nextweek I’m flying to abu dhabi to meet my family there. but unfortunately, my hubby cannot join us. Adoi, I hate this situation.. gembira + sedih punya perasaan.. 10 days in abu dhabi, then I will follow my dad going back to Malaysia… yeeeehaaaaa..! and 10 days after that, my hubby will arrive in KLIA with a BIG smile in his face. kan yang kan...

ok, seriously i'm not in the mood.. apa aje la aku nih.. need to do something and later i'll force myself to continue okay... perhaps i should paste some pics instead of membebel x tentu arah.. org lebih suka menjamu mata dari menyakitkan otak membaca blog yg x de arah.. betul tak?

see you later,

2 reader's talk:

Shazreen said...

yeaaa...yong nak balik..and abg muizz will comeback to KL with a BIGGGGG smile..hehehehehe..............

Nurul Halida Daud said...

tunggu aku yeen.. now rasanya mcm 80%-20%.. so, aku x sabar nak lepak mahbub..!